hi friends! happy monday! today i'm sharing a highly requested post - all about how i store and organize my makeup! i'm especially excited about this post because i'm sharing one of my very own products!!!! i still cannot believe that i've created my own makeup organizer!

i haven't shared much about them yet because i wanted to use them on my own for a few months before really introducing them to you guys. they have been life changing in the way i organize my makeup and skincare products, etc.

i compiled a small video to show you guys how i organize my makeup now and what it looked like before i got these organizers! you'll be shocked in the transformation! lol. anyway - watch the video below and then i'll share more photos and go into a bit more detail about what i use each one for!

Ok now that i've shown you a little peek at them, here's some more info about each particular makeup organizer!

so i have four different makeup organizers and i use them all differently! i have one that i use for my everyday products, one that i use for some hair products, deodorant, etc., one that i use for brushes and products that i don't use everyday but that i want to be able to access easily, and then i use one to store things like q-tips, my contacts, cotton pads, etc.

4 slot makeup organizer with drawer

here is the one that i use for my everyday products! i keep all of my brushes in one compartment, all my eye products in one compartment, all my face prodcts in one compartment, and a few things that i dont use every single day but i use often, in the other compartment. i love this one too because it has a drawer! i keep my blush and brow powder in this bottom drawer. this organizer has made my life SO much easier and i literally never have to look for a product that i need because there all right there!

3 slot organizer

now this one can be used in so many different ways and that's part of the reason why i love it! i am currently using it for my makeup setting spray, dry shampoo, a face mask, and my deodorant! these are all things that i use often and reach for daily! this makes it so easy for me to access them. i also love the way that it looks!

5 slot makeup organizer

i currently use this one for brushes and products that i don't use every single day but i want to be able to access them easily. i've also used this organizer for hair products too, like my dry shampoo, hair serums, texturizing spray, hair spray, etc. i think its a great & unique way of storing hair products that you reach for regularly because they're easy to locate and access!

3 slot organizer with drawer

this one might actually be my favorite (besides this one!). i wasn't expecting to use it in the way that i did but i'm actually SO happy with it. i wear contacts every day and i never had a great way of storing them, but then i had an idea one day to take them out of their box and put them in this organizer! and let me tell ya, i'm SO excited about this lol. like way too excited but it's okay! i also have been storing the cotton pads that i use with my toner and my face serum & eye cream! and you'll see in the bottom drawer i'm storing q-tips. i use q-tips daily for multiple different reasons and it's so nice to have them stored somewhere that i can access them so easily!

don't forget to watch the video above to see the transformation and to see a bit more about each organizer! please, please let me know if you purchase one!!! i want to see how you guys use them!

also it would be doing me a HUGE favor if you guys left a review after you purchase it if you love it!!! you guys are THE BEST.

thank you SO much for reading!

XO, Lauren


