2017 Goals

2017 Goals

Hi everyone! Happy Friday!! In today's post I'm going to be getting a little personal with you guys. I thought it would be fun for me to sit down and write a post about my goals for 2017. I have taken these past few days of 2017 to sit down and really think about what goals I want to set for myself for this brand new year. Of course I have like a gazillion goals that I want to achieve, but I'm going to share my top 5 in this post!

Be Healthier.

OK so this is kind of your typical goal for the New Year and I'm sure you've all heard it before, but this year I am going to REALLY try to be healthier as a whole. Not only do I want to get my body back into shape, I also want to start taking care of my skin better. By no means do I think I'm fat, but over the years since I've finished college, I've definitely lost my muscle definition. I am NOT perfect at all nor do I ever think I will be, but I am making it a goal of mine to become more active and fit again.

I also always start these new workout programs and NEVER stick to them. I always come up with some excuse as to why I "can't" workout on a certain day. In reality, I can always find time to workout, those excuses are just me being lazy. So, this year in 2017, I am making it a goal to start a workout program and STICK TO IT. I started BBG (Bikini Body Guide) again on Monday. I started from scratch, Week One, Day One. And yes, it's only been 4 days, but so far I've stuck to it and I'm proud!

As for keeping my skin healthier, I need to really make this a goal of mine. You may not know this, but I struggle from eczema and I don't do the best job of treating it. I have prescribed medicine from my dermatologist that I do not use on a regular basis. I want to make it a goal of mine to use the medicine religiously and see if that helps clear up my eczema. I also want to take better care of the skin on my face. I'm 24 years old and I'm definitely NOT getting younger. I don't want my skin to start getting wrinkly or aging at all so I'm going to make an effort to always take my makeup off and use the best skincare for my face.

Another big part of "being healthier" for me is EATING RIGHT. I am the worst offender of eating junk food. I LOVE snacks more than anything and I LOVE candy too much. I always crave something sweet after dinner and I need to STOP caving into that craving. I know that what you put into your body affects you in SO many different ways. I want to be more energized, fit, and have better skin. I know this all starts from what you eat.

Create Content That YOU Want to See

2017 GoalsDesk Calendar: Ashley Brooke Designs (on sale for $28!!) Cake is from Carvel!

So as many of you may or may not know, I started Simply Lauren Rose in July 2015. It's been about a year and a half since my site launched. I cannot believe how quickly it has grown!! That being said, I want to continue to create content that YOU guys want to see. My goal is to share affordable, everyday outfits that I'd actually wear on a regular basis. I love to share clothes that are on sale and that are attainable to the average person. Because thats what I am, I'm the average person and I wear affordable clothes. I love to share beauty content and lifestyle content as well.

I'm going to really sit down and reflect on my posts from 2016 and see which ones go the best feedback from all of you. That being said, if you have ANY requests on certain types of posts you'd like to see, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Feel free to send me and email, tweet, or anything at any time asking for a certain type of post. This helps me tremendously! I want to produce content that YOU want to see!

I encourage you to follow me on Instagram because that is where I express myself the most! I also utilize TwitterSnapchat, and Facebook quite a bit! I would love for you to join me and interact with me every day! I also recently started sending out a monthly newsletter recapping each month and giving you a preview of what's to come in the next month. If you're not signed up for that yet, you totally should!

Here's a peek at last month's newsletter:

2017 Goals

Become More Organized

I used to think that I was a very organized person, but lately I've felt overwhelmed and anxious because I haven't planned well. I am making it a goal of mine to become more organized overall in my life. I want to plan my posts for the future. I want to actually use my planner. I want to clear out all of the clutter in my room.

In the past I would get a bunch of outfits and pack them up in my car on a day where we were taking pictures. I would just pick the outfits I was loving and not have any set plan on when I was going to post them. It's hard for me because I don't have a photographer and I usually can only take pictures when my sister comes home or when my friends offer to help. That's why my outfits are usually not planned out. I want to actually take the time to sit down, plan when I'm going to post about a certain outfit, and THEN take the pictures. If anyone knows of a local (affordable) photographer near Fairfield County, let me know!

I have bought MANY planners in the past, but I haven't used them to the best of my ability. I have written things here and there, but I've never kept track of them. This year I am making it a goal to write everything down in my planner that I can.

If you follow my vlog channel, then you probably have seen that my room is quite cluttered. This is NOT easy to work with. I like a clean and clear workspace, but I've found that I have so much STUFF that I don't know where to put it! I want to clean out my room and donate the STUFF that I don't need. I feel with a more organized workspace, I will be less stressed and anxious.

Spend More Time With Family & Friends

2016 FavoritesMy Mom, My Sister & Me!2016 Favorites

All of us!

There is nothing that I value more than my Family. My parents and my siblings mean the world to me and they are my best friends! I also have a very large extended family and my cousins are some of my best friends, too. I want to make more of an effort to send time with my family and my friends. I feel like I don't take advantage of how amazing they are. I have so many wonderful people in my life and I want to make sure they know I value their time!

I want to make a goal to reach out to my friends more and get together with them. Friendships are SO important and I don't want to get so wrapped up in my work that I forget about spending time with my friends. The truth is, I would be so lost without my family and friends!

Love Myself.

This one may sound silly, but it is a HUGE goal of mine this year. In the past, I've always put other people first, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but this year I'm going to work hard to put myself and my needs first. I feel like in order to find pure happiness, I need to love myself and be happy with the person that I am. I encourage every one of you to do the same. It's SO important and it's overlooked constantly. Make it YOUR goal this year to love yourself.

2017 Goals

Sweater: Free People

Sooo those are SOME of my goals for 2017. Of course, I have a billion more goals and WHO KNOWS if I'll succeed with any of them. But I'm definitely going to try! Feel free to reach out with any questions! The best place to contact me would be my email (simplylaurenrose@gmail.com) or my Twitter!

PS- The winter of my last giveaway can be FOUND HERE! Email me within 48 hours to claim your prize!

There ya have it! A look at my 2017 Goals! I hope you enjoyed this post!

Thanks for reading!XO, Lauren


The Dress You Need This Winter
