Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to be talking about the best cable knit sweater! It's currently 50% off with the code WRAPITUP so get it while it lasts!

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit Sweater

Best Cable Knit SweaterSweater (50% off with code WRAPITUP) || Pull On Toothpick Jean || Earrings || Boots

I instantly fell in love with the color of this sweater! It's even more vibrant in person than it is in the photos. I love how it's not just your average cable knit sweater because it has the fun pom noms on it, too! I think that adds a nice touch to the sweater. I'm wearing mine in a size Medium and I loved the fit of it! I'd say if you're in between sizes, I'd size up!

I'm wearing the pull on toothpick jeans that I talked about in yesterdays post again. I think they're so comfortable and easy to wear! Speaking of yesterday's post...have you entered my giveaway yet??

I hope you've all had a great Monday so far and an even better week!

There ya have it! A look at the best cable knit sweater! I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading! XO, Lauren



Merry Christmas Eve!


Velvet Top & GIVEAWAY!!!