DIY Glow Serum!
Hi all!!! One of my most asked questions is how I make my DIY glow serum! It is suuuuper easy to make if you have the right ingredients ;-). Let me start out by saying I have tried tons and tons of different skincare products (and I will continue to try more because it's part of the job of blogging LOL) but none of them have worked like the glow serum has!
As many of you probably know, I use Young Living oils to make my glow serum. I have been using these oils for almost a year now and they are 100% a game changer for me. They've helped my skin tremendously and they're all around better for my body, my house, and my clothes. DO NOT buy random oils from amazon or target or wherever because they often have fillers in them and they are not PURELY essential oils like YL oils are. I only trust YL oils because they have the seed to seal promise.

Ok now let's get into the glow serum and how to make it! All you need is the following:
20 drops of lavender
20 drops of frankincense
10 drops of blue tansy/valor
Jojoba Oil
I make my glow serum in these adorable glow serum bottles but you could always use ones like these on amazon!
Add your lavender, frankincense, and blue tansy/valor to whichever bottle you choose. Fill the rest with jojoba oil. I like to use this one from amazon but you can really use any organic jojoba oil! And that's it, your glow serum is done. I use mine nightly and I wake up the next day with *glowing* skin. Try it out and let me know your thoughts!
Don't have any essential oils to use? I highly recommend grabbing a starter kit from YL because lavender, frankincense, and valor all come in it! You'll also get 9 other oils, ninxgia samples, thieves samples AND a diffuser all for $165! No more paying $150+ for skincare that might not even work. You can make your glow serum over and over again after you purchase your starter kit AND you'll unlock the 24% off member discount (no monthly fees and you DO NOT have to sell!) Thank me later ;-).
Don't forget to follow us on our oils account on Instagram! We share tons of info there! You can also send us a message at any time with any questions!