Easy Instant Pot Chicken

Hi everyone! Happy Friday! I asked you guys on my stories the other day what you wanted to see more of on the blog and a lot of you said that you'd love to see more food & recipes! SO, I thought I'd start sharing some of what I eat!

I want to start out by saying that I am NOT good at cooking. I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to cooking, and I'm a very picky eater! Lol.

I found the recipe that I went off on on Pinterest by typing in "Easy Instant Pot Recipes." I found one called "Instant Pot Chicken and Potatoes" and that is what I went off of! I'll leave it linked here to give them credit & so you can see the real recipe, rather than my modified one! Lol.

Ok so let's get right on into the recipe and how I made my version of Instant Pot Chicken!

Here is what you will need:

  • Chicken (I used chicken tenders but you could probably use whatever kind of chicken you wanted!)
  • Baby Potatoes (I used 1 pound and had plenty!)
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of dried thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano
  • 2 tablespoons of dry ranch seasoning
  • 1 cup of chicken broth
  • grated parmesan cheese

First things first, I washed the potatoes!

Then I put the olive oil into a bowl and put the potatoes and chicken in afterwards. I tossed them around in the oil so they were evenly coated.

I then seasoned the chicken & potatoes with salt and pepper. I love salt and pepper so I was pretty generous with them!

I then took all of the spices and combined them together into a smaller bowl. Once they were all combined, I sprinkled them onto the chicken and potatoes that were coated in olive oil. I didn't end up needing all of the spice mixture that I had created so I had a bit leftover!

Here is what the spice mixture looked like before I added it onto the chicken & potatoes!

After sprinkling the mixture on but before tossing it all together to give it an even coating.

And here is what it looked like after coating the chicken and potatoes with the spice mixture!

Next, take one cup of chicken broth and pour it into the Instant Pot!

Then take the seasoned chicken and place it on the bottom of the Instant Pot with the chicken broth.

After placing the chicken at the bottom, place the potatoes on top of the chicken.

After putting in the chicken & potatoes, place the Instant Pot lid on and turn it to "closed." Make sure that the valve is turned to "sealed" and not "venting" for this part! Then click "pressure cook" and time it for 15 minutes!

Once the cook time has finished, slowly release the pressure by turning the valve to the "venting" side.

When you open the lid, you may want to strain the liquid that is left inside. I strained it and served it after that and it was delicious!

*You can choose to add some more ranch seasoning and some parmesan cheese on top! That is what I did and it was yummy!

Here is the finished product! It was actually delicious. The chicken was cooked perfectly - I didn't even need a knife to cut it! The potatoes were also cooked perfectly - not too soft and not too hard.

Ok guys! Hope you enjoyed this different type of post for me! Definitely let me know your thoughts in the comments so I can see if you guys want to keep seeing posts like these!

Thank you so much for reading!


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