hiiii! happy thursday and happy almost MARCH! today i'm sharing my february q&a with you guys! i'll answer about 10 questions that you guys asked me on my IG stories the other day! as always, thanks for the questions and support!

q: do you do anything to keep your teeth white?
a: i use this toothpaste from crest! and every now and then (if i have a special event or trip coming up) i'll use these white strips!
q: what's your dream car?
a: right now my dream car is an Audi Q5 in white! got a long way to go before i can get this tho! also by the time i can afford a new car/need a new car, my dream car may have changed! lol.
q: what brands do you splurge on that are expensive?
a: i have one Louis Vuitton bag that i splurged on for my 25th bday! i also splurge on my denim. i feel like if there's anything to invest in, it's a good pair of denim. my favorite brands include AG, rag & bone, citizens of humanity and madewell!

q: when are you getting married?
a: NO clue! i think nick and i are both very sure that we want to end up together but we're both still young (nick is actually younger than me) and we're not at a point in our life where we're ready for the next step. we've also only been together for almost 2 years (which for some people may be a while) but he was away for 5 months of the 2 years. we're still learning a lot about each other and growing with each other so we're in no rush. this will definitely take time and i'm enjoying my life the way it is right now :-).

q: what dream bag are you saving for?
a: THIS ONE!!! i'm so excited about it. i plan on purchasing this bag for myself when i hit 100k followers on IG. feel free to help the cause by telling your friends to follow me!!! LOL!
q: have you had any bad experiences with birth control?
a: not really, no! i have been on birth control since i was 15. i definitely do get moody when it's that time of the month though and i hate the way i feel when that happens but i feel like that happens to everyone?? maybe not tho lol.
q: are your eyelashes real? if not, do the extensions bother you or fall out when you're working out?
a: yes they're real! this is new though - i had lash extensions for almost a year and recently just grew them out! i absolutely LOVED my lash extensions but one of my goals for 2019 was to save money so i decided to cut out my lash extensions. they never bothered me or fell out when i was working out. i loved the place i went and the woman who did my lashes - she was amazing and they always looked so good!
q: have you seen any results yet from the slim down?
a: not yet! it's only been 4 days so i think it would be too soon to see results. i weighed myself on day 2 (forgot to on day 1 lol) so i'll be able to tell if i lost any weight.

q: what's your workout routine?
a: i don't really have one to be honest! i typically work out 3-5x a week. i love taking classes at the gym (i go to the equinox). some of my favorite classes are elevate, spin & barre. the days wehre i don't take a class i'll run & walk in intervals on the treadmill and i'll also use the stair stepper! i had been seeing a trainer for a while, which i LOVED, but in an effort to save money this year, i had to cut back on that too :(.
q: thoughts on the apple watch? good investment for a teacher?
a: i love mine and HATE when i forget to put it on one day or forget to charge it! i use it for tracking my steps throughout the day, timers, reading messages easily, working out, and checking the weather sometimes too! i just think its such an easy tool and with all of the amazing watch bands they have out there now, it can look so good too!

q: do you see yourself and nick getting married? if so when do you think he'll pop the ? ?
a: i'm loving all the nick questions this time around!! lol. i answered part of this above. as to when he'll pop the question, i'm not even going to pretend like i have any idea LOL. it won't be for a while, i know that much lol. but i'm also the type of person who doesn't want to know in the slightest when my significant other is going to propose. i want it to be 1000% a surprise. so hopefully i'll never know the answer to that question! haha.
q: do you and nick plan on moving in with each other?
a: yikes! we talk about this often (last night we had a convo about it actually haha). so my parents are extremely old school and conservative in their ways (mostly my father) and they do not approve of us moving in with our significant other before marriage. i've been brought up this way and i'm okay with it. no, it may not make the most sense since we're both looking to move out of our houses around the same time frame, but i respect my parents so much and they've done so much for me so i don't want to go against their beliefs. i also don't want to go into a marriage knowing that my parents may not be 100% happy with the decisions i've made leading up to that point. i know this sounds silly because it's my life and im 26 years old and i should do what i want, but at the same time, i value these beliefs and i want to stick to them. nick and i have made a compromise that we will eventually move in together once we're engaged.
a little more on above ^: my parents believe that you should be so confident in the one you want to marry & spend the rest of your life with that living with them beforehand should not matter. if you're going to fight over something while living together, your wedding vows should be strong enough to get through that. they also think that it's so exciting to get married and then have moving in together to look forward to after the wedding.
OK! that's it for this month's Q&A! I'm excited to see what questions you'll have for me in March! if i didn't get to yours this time around, don't worry, i'll be doing these monthly!
thanks for reading!
xo, lauren