This is probably my MOST requested gift guide from you guys this year!! Probably because I am a teacher and have been receiving gifts from my students for years lol. I'll be honest - one of my favorite gifts I've ever received is a bottle of wine !!! I've asked my fellow teacher followers what their favorite gift they've ever received was so I'm going to share some of those here too!
Ok so this definitely isn't my prettiest collage but there are so many good gift ideas that I wanted to get on there! Let me break them down for you!
A lot of you said that the best gifts you received were presonalized gifts so I tried to find a bunch of personalized gifts that teachers would appreciate! I think a lot of these gifts would be great to pair with each other.

I like the idea of getting a fun, personalized wine glass and maybe including a gift card inside! Amazon is always a good idea in my opinion. Especially since this now gives them the option to get basically anything!
You could also get them a gift card to the movies, a mani/pedi, or a local restaurant that you think they'd enjoy! I think that would be such a nice touch!

As for a coffee cup - I loooove my Lauren Mackenzie Decals one! The one that says "Teacher Fuel" is SO perfect for us teachers. We truly need all the fuel we can get to manage our rascals all day long! These are easy to personalize too. Also, order soon because her Christmas deadline is this week!!

I also think a Yeti mug is a great idea because us teachers don't have time to leisurely sip our coffee and this mug is great for keeping it warm all day! I think it would be a great idea to fill these mugs with a gift card, too!

Ok now for some more "teachery" things! I think getting them a fun lanyard with their name on it would be SO cute! At my school we have to wear our ID badges all day, everyday so it would be great to have a fun, personalized one!

I don't know what teacher wouldn't love to receive flowers! You can add a nice touch by delivering them in this personalized vase!

I peronsally think this is the BEST teacher bag EVER. I have been using it for the whole school year now and its SO good. It even has a computer case built in! It's definitely pricier, but you can bet your child's teacher will be so happy to receive this!

I saw these personalized stickers and immediately wanted to order them for myself! How fun are these?! I think your child's teacher would think these were so fun and different than any gift they've ever received!!

Another fun, personalized idea would be to have your child fill this out about their teacher! It would be so cute to see their answers :-).

If you think your child's teacher would enjoy some pampering you could always get them some bath bombs! I loveeee me some bath bombs! There's also this personalized spa set that includes body scrub & a candle!

I received this book from a student last year and it meant SO much to me! You can look inside the book on Amazon to see what it's all about but it truly was such a thoughtful gift. You could pair this with any of the above gifts.
There's so many other great options that I've included in the collage above! Other ideas may be (some recommended from you!!):
*Plain ol' cash
*Deliver them coffee or lunch one day! This would be such a nice, thoughtful gesture that your child's teacher would really appreciate!
*Gift card to wherever they like to get their coffee/tea from
*Gift card to get a mani/pedi
*Bottle of wine (would be good to go along with the wine glass!)
*gifts from Uncommon Goods - one of you actually said you got this & I had never heard of it before!! This site looks awesome!
*a basket full of laundry supplies - another one suggested by you guys! this can never hurt! lol
*A gift card bouquet from the class! Another one that you guys said that you received!
*Erin Condren personalized items - a parent said they got this for teachers in the past and received great feedback!
Ok I think that's all I've got for now! Definitely bookmark this page for Teacher Appreciate Day & the end of the year so you can come back and see these ideas!
Definitely let me know in the comments if you have any other suggestions or ideas! I hope this post was helpful!
Thanks for reading!
Xo, Lauren
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