Hi friends!!! My first gift guide of the year is HERE!!! Can you believe Christmas is in 47 DAYS?! Holy molyyyy that is so soon! As a blogger, the holiday season starts right after Halloween and I can't say that I'm that mad about it. I loveee this time of year - Thanksgiving & Christmas & New Years! It's probably the only time I actually like living in the cold weather lol.

Anyways, enough about me. Today I'm bringing you a gift guide devoted to the best and most fun gifts for the home. I still live at home with my parents (staying until they kick me out lol!!!) but these are some things that I'd imagine I'd love to have in my own home or apartment one day. I think they'd make great gifts!

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one // capri blue candle oh my goooodness I have gone through SO many of these candles! These candles smell ahhhh-mazing. If you haven't smelled one yet, you must. You're going to think you want to buy this candle for a friend, then you'll smell it and decide to keep it for yourself. #noshame. It's a good one and it lasts for a long time! A candle is always a great gift IMO.

two // mug I just thought this mug was really cute! I feel like everyone can use a cute mug like this. I love the gold detail and how it's mostly all white. It's also affordable - only $25!

three // pom pom blanket I saw this blanket and automatically wanted it for myself! This would make a great gift for someone who loves blanket or cute decor. I kind of have an obsession with blankets (weird, I know) but I think they can be so fun and can really make a room much more stylish and comfortable!

four // pretty diffuser I'm actually in the market for a new diffuser myself. I saw this one and thought it looked really pretty. Some of them can be so bulky and strange looking so I thought this one would be a safe gift option! It will go with most decor and won't stick out like a sore thumb. It'd also be a good idea to buy some oils to go along with it :-).

five // all in good taste book I have seen this book allll over the place! I feel like this is a classic coffee table book that any girl will love. I definitely will want this for myself (if I ever have my own coffee table one day LOL). I just love how it's pink and girly!

six // dreamcatcherI am actually a big fan of dreamcatchers! I think the concept and idea of them is SO cool. Who wouldn't want one as a gift? It'll catch all your bad dream and release all your good ones! Sounds perfect to me. Also, I like this one specifically because it will go with pretty much any color so you won't have to worry about it clashing with previous decor.

seven // coasters these coasters are SO pretty and unlike any others I've seen before! I also think this is a great gift idea - can't really go wrong with a set of coasters!

eight // beaches book another great coffee table book! This one is another classic and would be a great gift!

nine // vase I loveee the look of this vase! I think it's so pretty and a bit fancier than your average glass vase. This can add some flare to any room and will add beauty to any flowers that one may receive :-).

ten // instant pot ok so I've heard great things about this! This is like a crock pot but cuts the cooking time down by quite a bit! If you forget you wanted to make something in the crockpot and realize it too late, have no fear! Your instant pot will save you!! I'm actually thinking about getting this for my mom for Christmas, but shhh don't tell ;-).

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There ya have it! A look at my first gift guide: the home edition! I hope this was helpful!

Thanks for reading!XO, Lauren


