Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!!! Are you guys ready for 2018??? In today's post I'm talking about my highlights of 2017 - all the amazing things I've experienced this year that I want to share with you guys. The events are going to be in no specific order - my thoughts are all jumbled so whatever comes out, I'll write!

Turks & Caicos

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

It's been a running joke in my family for like 5 years now that I've been dying to go to Turks & Caicos - kind of a long story that none of you would think is funny so I'll spare you. But anyways - this past February, my mom made this dream a reality for me! I had been dying to go to Turks and Caicos because I had heard about how beautiful and amazing it was. And I was NOT disappointed. It was absolutely breathtaking - I've never seen water so blue or so clear. It was seriously one of THE BEST trips of my life.

My mom and I have been going on trips together for a few years now. I'm really good at convincing her to go places with me even though she gets really sad when she leaves my dad lol. In 2016 we went to the Bahamas which was amazing but in 2017 we stepped up our game and made it to Turks and Caicos. If you've been considering going, PLEASE do it. You will not regret it.

I have a full post on our trip here so go check it out! It was definitely one of the highlights of my year!

Fort Lauderdale

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

This past April my fellow teacher friends and I took at trip down to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and it was so much fun! The weather was great (most of the time!) and we really enjoyed ourselves. Theres so many perks of being a teacher - one of them being that we have breaks from school and we can take these trips together!

Funny story: we were pretty close to Miami so one night we took an uber down there and one of my friends absolutely HATED it and my other friend and I had so much fun. We kept wanting to go back during the trip but she was NOT for that hahaha. We compromised and stayed in For Lauderdale. We also ended up binge watching 13 Reasons Why which was NOT a light vacation watch. I have a full post on our trip to Fort Lauderdale here!

Being a Bridesmaid in my Cousin's Wedding

Highlights of 2017Highlights of 2017Highlights of 2017

^^Me trying to be funny but not succeeding - pretty typical.Highlights of 2017Highlights of 2017

SO as some of you may know, I was the Maid of Honor in my sisters wedding in 2016 and that was amazing. I was lucky enough to be apart of my cousin, Anna's, wedding this past September. It was SO much fun and so special to be apart of her and her husband's big day. In my opinion, family weddings are the best. But I could be biased because I love my family. Even all of the events leading up to Anna's wedding were so much fun! Her Bridal Shower and her Bachelorette Party were awesome. I'll include some pics below!

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Finding Out I'm Going to be an Aunt!

So for those of you who don't know, my sister and her husband are having a baby this March! Finding this out was definitely one of the best moments of 2017. If you're interested in seeing how she and Rob told us, I'll link a video at the end of this post! We have a few months until the baby arrives and we're all so excited. We don't know what my mom is going to be called yet (grandma, mimi, etc.) I'd love to hear what you guys call your grandparents or what your kids call their grandparents!


Turning 25

For those of you who know me, you know I was pretty bitter about turning 25. In my mind 25 is so old and I just can't believe I've hit that age. But in reality, it's not that old. When I was younger I thought I'd have my whole life figured out by now and I couldn't have been more wrong. I'm totally OK with it though - I believe in taking each day one day at a time and living life to the "fullest." Tim McGraw sings a song called "Live Like You Were Dying" and I truly believe in that. I think each day should not be taken for granted and we need to appreciate the amazing things and people that we have in our lives. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason - whether that something is good or bad - I think that there's a reason for it happening.

In case you missed it, I shared 25 things you may not know about me on my 25th birthday!

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

So those are just a few of my highlights of this past year. 2017 was amazing in so many ways and I'm so excited for 2018. I can't thank you guys enough for the love and support you give me! Without you, I wouldn't get to do this every single day and I'm so fortunate for that! I hope to keep sharing my outfits and thoughts with you daily in 2018 and I hope you still enjoy it as much as you have been!

There ya have it! A look at my highlights from 2017! I hope you all had an amazing year and an even better 2018!

Thanks for reading!PS - Uncle Cappy says "baby it's cold outside."XO, Lauren


Instagram Roundup


Best Purchases of 2017