How to be More Organized & Productive (With YOUR tips!)
Hi everyone! We are all going through such a DIFFERENT time right now - so different than what we're used to. I'll be honest - it's been HARD to adjust and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that. I told you guys on stories that I'm having a really hard time balancing everything I've got going on in my life - blogging, teaching, and my boutique! I feel like I need to do a better job of staying organized & productive. You guys gave me SO many great suggestions so I'm going to leave them below you for you!!
I'm going to start with what I've been trying and let you know if it's been working for me.
I started using Google Tasks and creating separate lists for each category I have (blog posts, IG posts, boutique, & school work). I write down anything and everything that i need to remember to do for each category. I set a time for each thing to get done. This way, my phone will remind me of it. For example,. if I need to change an address for someone on an order, this will pop up on my phone to remind me to do it so I don't forget. After I complete each task I then check it off and it's quite satisfying!
So far this has been working BUT I need to remember to write down each thing in the Google Tasks app. I need to get better at that!

(This is an old pic but I've loved my Erin Condren planner for years!!)
Here is what I want to start doing:
One of you recommended to watch Amy TV on YouTube and you guys, she is AMAZING. She has so many tips & tricks on how to stay motivated, how to become a morning person, etc. One thing that I want to start doing that I saw Amy doing on her channel is "Calendar Blocking." I feel like this will really help me hold myself accountable to get all of the jobs I need to get done when I need to get them done by. Here is a link to her video if anyone is interested!
Here are all of the tips that you guys suggested! (Def going to start doing some of these too!!)
- Create your to do list the night before so you start with a plan. Star the top 3 things you MUST do.
- Google Tasks app (links to gmail!)
- Set a timer, work on one thing for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break, then repeat
- Make a weekly to do list and try to prepare one at night for the next day.
- Erin Condren teacher planner for work and Erin Condren hourly life planner (LOVE both of these!)
- Make a daily list!
- ALWAYS make daily to do lists. Once I finish the list, I'm done with my work for the day.
- Write lists/time block/ top 3/ GET ENOUGH SLEEP
- Daily to do lists, color code, post it app on Mac, set due dates!
- Schedule in breaks!
- Review lists daily
- Happy Planner. I'm a blogger soon to be teacher and planning my wedding and it's my lifesaver! (get up to 25% off sitewide today!)
- Make a to do list for the day and make one for the week
- Make a list of everything and then make a list just for the day of a few that I can get done.
- Block scheduling
- To do lists and post it notes
- Write a list with pen & paper and check off what I finished
- Follow Emily Ley on simplified! She has so many great tips and her books are amazing.
- Jordan Page Productivity boot camp! She has a ton of info about that and budgeting on YouTube.
- I use a happy planner. It gets me excited to write things down and use the stickers.
- Make a list of priorities for the day in the AM and a rough timeline.
- I use a commit30 planner and it has kept me on track with habits and goals this year!
- Google calendar is all color coded and synced across devices!
- Todoist is also a good app across all devices
- I always try to plan my day as my first thing I do for work. I use a day designer planner
- Top 6 list (try to keep it to 6) for different areas of my life for each day. School, work, life, etc.
- My planner. Especially now. Even if my to do list is to wash my hair & make my bed it helps
- I'm actually obsessed with my planner/journal. It's great for daily and future goals.
- I love my passion planner! I always take time on Sunday to plan out the week ahead.
- I plan out my day. Ex: From 10-noon I'm working and doing XYZ. Lunch 12-1.
- Countdown app helps me remember things I have to look forward to!
- Google Calendar app!
- Make a to do list for each day of the week on Sundays so you have expectations for each day.
- Stick note checklist - first thing I do each morning.
- I have a journal that I use before I go to bed. I write in all the steps I need done the next day.
- I write every hour out on a white board and set timers on my Apple Watch!
- Hustle Sanely - Jess Massey

Ok that is SO much info and I'm sorry it's just in list form but I literally took what you guys wrote and added it here! Hopefully you guys find some great tips here and if there's anything else you think should be added to this list, let us know in the comments!!
Thanks for reading & Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful Moms out there!

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