Hi everyone! I'm back with another Q&A! I'm going to try to do these monthly so I figured I'd only include a few questions that you guys asked now so that it's not an overwhelming amount for you to read!

Where do you buy bras that last?
To be honest I haven’t found a bra that I am totally in love with yet. I’ve worn the basic Victoria’s Secret bras that we all have but those just never really did it for me. Recently I’ve been wearing Natori and Aerie bras. These are pretty good but still not amazing. It’s probably my own fault because I haven’t gotten fitted for a bra in years lol. But if I had to recommend one bra it would be this Natori one. I should’ve sized up on it like the reviews said and I think it would’ve fit perfectly!
Do you wax, thread,or pluck your eyebrows?
I typically get myeyebrows waxed but I haven’t gotten them done in MONTHS lol. whoops! I havealso gotten them threaded in the past and I liked that experience. I cant sayim crazy about waxing or threading and that’s probably why I’ve just stoppeddoing it! haha.
How do you not runout of closet space?
Oh I totally do! I’mthe only one out of my siblings who still lives at home so you better believe I’vetaken over my brother’s AND my sister’s closets lol. I’ve always wanted toredesign my closet because I don’t love the design of it right now. I don’tknow if this will happen before I move out, but if it does I’ll be sure to letyou guys know!
Favorite perfum’e?
I recently purchased Blooming Bouquet by Dior and it is AMAZING. This has become my favorite perfume and I’ve loved a lot of perfumes over the years. It’s not too strong and it’s very feminine. I love it because it can be worn now, in the winter, or it can be worn in the summer, spring, or fall! I originally purchased it in the smaller size but mannnn am I wishing I purchased it in the biggest size!
Dream engagement ringstyle?
I’d love a platinumband with a 2 carat round diamond. A girl can dream, right? ;-)
Closet organization?
I kind of touched onthis a bit before but I don’t love my closet space. I feel like it was notdesigned well and if it were designed a bit differently, I’d be able to getmore use out of it. like I said before, I have clothes in my sister’s andbrother’s closets and I also use a clothes rack to store some stuff as well. I wishI had an organized closet but in reality, it’s a HOT mess.
Who are otherfashion/beauty bloggers that you follow?
Iloveee @laurenkaysims, @courtneyshields, @dressupbuttercup, @almost_readyblogand SO many more! These are just a few that I can name off the top of my head.There’s so many amazing fashion/beauty bloggers out there and I love how mostof them are all about empowering others and helping each other achieve and setnew goals.
Do you keepeverything you post about or do you return some too?
I definitely do not keep everything. I sell a lot of my clothes on poshmark, I return some that don’t work for me, and I also give some of my clothes away! Someone once asked me why I buy clothes, tell you guys you “need” that item, but then sell it so quickly. The reason why I do this is because it is part of my job as a blogger to find the best new items for you guys. It’s just not realistic that I can keep all of the clothes I buy. Just because I’m selling them doesn’t mean that I don’t genuinely love that product, it means that I probably already have something like it but wanted to try out the newer model for you guys to tell you what it’s like. I love selling on poshmark because I love giving you guys the opportunity to shop all of these amazing items at a discounted price. I feel like it’s a way for us to connect with each other (I LOVE when you guys send me messages on Instagram wearing the item you purchased from me!!). I also return some things that just don’t work out for me. I’ll definitely tell you guys when I return something and why. And thankfully I have younger cousins who I love to give some of my clothes to!
Ok I think that's enough for now! I got a lot of questions about teaching and blogging and how I balance them and all that. Since it seems like so many of you are interested, I'm going to devote a whole blog post to that in the future!
Thanks for reading!
XO, Lauren