June Book Review

June Book Review

Hi friends! Happy Tuesday! Today I'm sharing my June Book Review with you! I have been able to read SO much more now that it's officially summer for me and I'm so excited to share the books I've been reading and loving with you! Let me start out by saying that I'm a fan of the "mystery" and "thriller" type books. Specifically "psychological thriller" so if you're not into those kinds of books, you may not be interested in any of the ones I'm about to share! If you are though, keep on reading to see what should be on your list of books to read this summer!

June Book Review

June Book Review

June Book Review

June Book Review

June Book Review

June Book ReviewJune Book ReviewJune Book Review

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1. Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris: Omg you guys I could NOT put this book down! I finished this book in like a day which is a true sign of a great book for me. This was the book I was talking about on my Insta Stories the other night. In this book, a couple (Finn & Layla) are on their way back from vacation when Layla goes missing. 12 years later, Finn has moved on and he ends up being in a relationship with Ellen, Layla's sister (weird, right?). This book takes so many different twists and turns and you'll be on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what happens the whole time. There are chapters told through Finn's eyes and Layla's eyes so you see different perspectives. The ending is not going to be anything you expect. You will not be able to put this book down!

2. Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell: Another great book that I could not put down. I was literally reading this book any spare moment I got! I had never read anything by Lisa Jewell before but man, she did not disappoint! In this book, Ellie Mack goes to the library to study one day and never returns home. Fast forward a few years and her mom, Laurel Mack, is still missing Ellie deeply. Laurel was pleasantly surprised when she met a nice man, Floyd, in a cafe one day and she begins falling for him. It gets to the point where they meet each other's families, and what Laurel sees in Floyd's daughter, Poppy, is truly amazing. This is another book with an unexpected ending and lots of twists throughout. I highly recommend this one!

3. Sunburn by Laura Lippman: Again, this is another author that I'd never read before. Again, I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I can't say that it was a book that I couldn't put down, it actually took me quite some time to get through, but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. In this book, we follow the characters Polly and Adam. They meet in a small town in Delaware and neither of them had plans to stay there. Those plans quickly changed and they both ended up staying much longer than they expected. We see their relationship develop but one (or both?) of them are keeping a secret. This book is definitely an interesting one and worth the read!

4. Guilty by Laura Elliot: Another book that you will not be able to put down! At first it reminded me of the show "Secrets and Lies" on ABC (have any of you seen that??). What I mean by that it seemed that someone was being set up for a crime they did not commit. The media, specifically Amanda Bowe, found someone, Karl Lawson, to pin the crime on and after that, his life was ruined. In this instance, Constance Lawson goes missing and the blame gets placed on her uncle, Karl. As you can imagine, Karl's life was ruined after being blamed for her disappearance. What he does to get his life back is truly amazing and unexpected. Read this book to see how Karl gets his revenge on Amanda.

5. Liar by K.L. Slater: This book follows a single dad, Ben. His wife died years ago and he has been raising his two boys on his own since then. That is, until he meets Amber. Amber turns his life around and is this amazing woman in his eyes. However, she is not quite as amazing in Ben's mother, Judy's eyes. Judy does everything she can to prove that Amber is not who she says she is. The ending of this book is truly shocking and will leave you speechless!

6. Three Days Missing by Kimberly Belle: I am listening to this book currently and I have about an hour and a half left. Kat sends her son Ethan on an overnight trip with his second grade class. The worst imaginable thing that could happen to a mother, happened. She got a phone call in the middle of the night saying her son has gone missing. Her world is turned upside down and she immediately demands to find her son. Meanwhile, another mother, Stef Huntington, gets a phone call from an unknown number. The caller tells her that he has her son, Sammy. Stef rushes to the camp where they were all staying and demands to see her son. Sammy is alive and well, but Ethan is still missing. They then realized, that whoever took Ethan meant to take Sammy. Since I have not finished this book yet, I don't know how it ends but it has kept me hooked and I'm dying to find out who Ethan's captor is. I will keep you guys updated on my Insta Stories about the ending of this book!

Ok so those are all the books I've read (or that I'm in the middle of!) and now I'll share a few that are on my list for July:

I'll keep you guys posted on the three books above - be sure to look out for my July Book Review next month!

There ya have it! My June Book Review! Happy Reading!

Thanks for reading!XO, Lauren



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