Midweek Recap
My Midweek Recap
Hi everyone! Welcome to my third midweek recap!
This week has been uneventful so far (I feel like I've been saying that often!) but I'll still fill you guys in with what I've been up to.
Monday was a rainy day and I wasn't mad about it. I was glad it was raining because that gave me time to catch up on school work and to write a new post for you guys! My latest post was on the book #GIRLBOSS--to see what I thought of it, click here! I wore a top from JCrew and paired it with jeans and my Jack Rogers. I ended my night by watching the Bachelorette finale. Did any of you watch?? I was so happy when she picked Shawn over Nick. I never liked Nick, not even when he was on Andi's season.Top // Jack Rogers Sandals // Bag
Tuesday was a loooong day for me. I started out my day at Starbucks doing schoolwork. I have an upcoming presentation coming up (tomorrow!) that I needed to prepare for. Later in the day, I had a group meeting for that presentation. After that I went straight to class from 4:30-6:30. After class I went straight to babysitting! I didn't get home until around midnight last night and by then I was so exhausted! It was just a long day overall, but I can't complain about that! I had a comfy outfit on (I stole my sister's shirt and she got mad...but that's what sisters are for, right??) , and I received a new pair of shoes in the mail! It ended up being a great day overall.Similar top // Bag // Jack Rogers Sandals
Similar Shoes
Today, I had the day off from work & from school. I was pretty excited about that! I started my day off by running errands. I decided to wear shorts, converse, and a lightweight sweater! It was such a comfy outfit I didn't want to take it off! I did some school work today, because my presentation is tomorrow and I want to be prepared! I received a few packages today, and the favorite thing that I received was the NARS blush palette! I cannot wait to use it! It looks beautiful and it was probably the prettiest packaging I've ever seen. Good job with that one, NARS! I have a few other items coming from the NSale, so let me know if you guys want to see a post on them! I'm ending tonight doing some more homework and having dinner! Oh and BTW, all the jewelery I wore today is 30% off!!! Go to baublebar.com and use the code 'XMASINJULY' and you can receive 30% off your order! JCrew Sweater // Bag // Converse Sneakers
Blame it on NARS cheek palette
I hope you all are having a great week so far! Have you enjoyed my Midweek Recaps? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading!Xo, Lauren