SLR Book Club
Hi everyone!! Someone came up with a great idea of having a BOOK CLUB together and when I polled you guys on stories, the majority of you said you'd want to be involved. SO, here we are!! Let's get this book club started!!

I asked you on stories yesterday which book you wanted to read - I gave the options of Harlan Coban's "The Boy From the Woods" and Tarryn Fisher's "The Wives."
The book we will be reading is (drumroll, please!!)...
The Wives by Tarryn Fisher
I also asked you where you wanted this book club to take place - facebook group, IG live, etc. and most of you voted and said IG Live. So our "meetings" will be held on IG live on the days listed below.
I am going to also create a Facebook group for any of us to ask questions or discuss the book while we are reading! And then we can discuss all together on the IG Live!
Join the Facebook Group Here!
And we are going to be starting reading RIGHT AWAY! Most of us are home and think that this is great distraction to everything that's going on.
That being said, I know a lot of you probably do not have this book on hand. I don't think they're shipping books via Prime right now so it would take a while to get to you. SO here is what I suggest - if you have a way of reading it electronically (kindle, iBooks, etc.) you can download it right away. OR you can listen to it on Audible like I do!
Here is what our schedule will look like
This week - Take the time to get the book in whichever form you prefer! Get started reading right away!
These will be our check-in and discussion days:
April 2nd - Read to Chapter 20 by this point. We will "meet" at 8PM EST to discuss the first part of the book and ask/answer any questions we may have!
April 16th - Read to the end of the book! We will have our final meeting/discussion at 8PM EST to discuss the second half of the book!
I cannot wait to get started and to hear all of your thoughts on this book!! HAPPY READING!!