Sunday Night Recap

My Sunday Night Recap

Hi everyone! Welcome to my fourth Sunday Night Recap!

I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was fun & family filled! I spent some quality time with my mom this weekend, which is always a great time! I also spent a lot of time with my boyfriend, when he wasn't too busy golfing! I'll go more into depth about my weekend now!


Friday was SO fun! I spent the day at the beach in Rhode Island with my mom, her friend, and her friend's family. I hadn't been to the beach in SO long and let me tell you, there's nothing like a great beach day. It was literally perfect weather on Friday which certainly made the 2 hour drive worth it. That, and the good company I was with! My mom and I took a long walk down the beach & I collected some heart shaped rocks for my boyfriend's mom's collection! After the long walk, my mom treated me to the BEST ice cream ever. I got coffee oreo flavor, which is my FAVORITE. Thankfully, I didn't have to make the drive home alone, I had my mom with me. We hit some traffic on the way home but it didn't add on too much time to our drive. When we got home we went out to dinner with my dad, brother & boyfriend. We went to Avellino's (yes, another Italian restaurant) and it was delicious! Friday was a great day & night overall!Sunday Night RecapJCrew Beach TunicSunday Night RecapThe most delicious ice cream ever. If you haven't tried coffee oreo ice cream yet, you seriously should!Sunday Night RecapMy JCrew Beach Tunic // My mom's JCrew Beach Tunic (both on sale!!!)Here's a photo of my mom & I enjoying our day at the beach!!Sunday Night RecapJCrew Factory Tank // Jack Rogers Lauren Sandals // Nordstrom Reversible Bag 


Saturday was another fun day! My mom and I hung out by the pool together for the majority of the day. I also ran some errands in the morning (got Starbucks, of course) and did some planning for the week. I realized that yesterday marked ONE MONTH since I started my blog! I mentioned this in my July favorites post. This was so cool to realize that I've already been doing this for a month. The saying "time flies when you're having fun" is really true! Later that night, my boyfriend & I went to see Trainwreck. It was HILARIOUS! Amy Schumer is SUCH a good actress. She had me laughing & crying (not from happiness) because shes THAT good of an actress. Have any of you seen Trainwreck yet? It might be my favorite movie of the summer! I recommend seeing it ASAP--and be prepared to laugh!!Sunday Night RecapSunday Night RecapErin Condren Life PlannerSunday Night RecapJCrew Straw HatSunday Night RecapKendra Scott Necklace


Today has been a great day! I spent the day by the pool (again) but this time my boyfriend was hanging with me. Usually he golfs all day on Sunday but today he was with me! It was so fun, we were in the pool for an hour just hanging out. We were throwing diving catches to each other to catch while jumping in the pool & we were jumping on rafts as if we were little kids again! It was fun to just relax and play around like we had nothing to worry about. We also went out for some lunch. Mark got Chipotle and I got frozen yogurt (yum!). The afternoon consisted of naps & reading. Tonight my parents are making dinner (I'm making the rice!) and we're all going to eat together!Sunday Night RecapJCrew Tank // Jack Rogers Sparkle SandalsSunday Night RecapJCrew Beach CoverupSunday Night Recap(I made him take this picture with me)sunday night recapTonight's sunset!!

I hope you enjoyed my Sunday night recap! I hope you all had an amazing weekend!

Thanks for reading!Xo, Lauren


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July Favorites