Vacation Wishlist

Vacation Wishlist

Hi everyone! Happy Monday!! So my mom and I are heading somewhere warm and tropical 3 weeks from today (any guesses???) and I'm SO excited about it! I thought it would be fun to put together a post of what I want to buy to bring with me on the trip! I've already done some shopping for it so I'll also include the item's I've already purchased!


1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11

SO many cute things, right?? It's been so hard for me to decide what I'm actually going to buy. I know I'll use all of the above items on vacation AND in the upcoming Spring & Summer! That being said, I've already bought quite a few items. You can shop all of those items below :-).

What I've Already Purchased

Most of the items I've purchased are under $100 which is big for me. I've mentioned before that I'm trying to get better at budgeting so when shopping for this trip, I made sure to find items that were affordable and that I'd get a lot of use out of!

There ya have it! A look at my Vacation Wishlist and what I've already ordered! I hope you enjoyed this post!

Thanks for reading!XO, Lauren

PS - check out my Bahamas Look Book from our vacation last year!



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