What I Got for Christmas

Happy Monday! I'm currently sitting on the plane en route to Jamaica while I write this post! We are heading to Jamaica with Nick's family for a week! Since I'll be away for Christmas Day, my family and I celebrated Christmas early! That being said, I've gotten all of my gifts from them so I thought it would be fun to put together a post sharing what I got this year!

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So most of these things were in my Christmas wishlist post! If you saw that post, then you're probably not surprised with half of the things that I got! Let me break down some of the items for you!

My sister got me a bunch of great gifts this year (really from Jack & Giada my nephew & niece) so I'll talk about those first! This wireless charger is a game changer! You simply just place your phone on top of the charging pad and voila! It charges away! This one is compatible for the iPhone 8 and anything newer!

She also got me some great games this year. We played this one as a family when we celebrated Christmas and it was SO much fun! I highly recommend this one. It will come by tomorrow (Christmas Eve) if you're still looking for a last minute gift for someone! She also got me this game & this game but I haven't gotten a chance to try them out yet!

She also got me some "spa day" essentials - like a shower fizz, a foot mask, and a candle! And funny story - she got me an Amazon Fire Stick but I had just bought myself one two days earlier lol. I have to learn to to buy things for myself around Christmas time!

Ok now onto the others! I had seen so many great things about this mirror and I am SO excited to try it out! The past few days have been busy ones so I haven't been able to test it yet, but when I get home from vacation I will for sure be testing it out and letting you guys know how I like it! This will arrive after Christmas but it's currently 20% off on amazon!

I was looking for a new pair of sneakers and this pair stood out out to me! I love the color and I love the gold detail on the side! I sized down half a size and they're still a bit big so I definitely recommend sizing down!

My mom also surprised me with this pot & pan set and I'm so excited about it! I never really got a set when I moved into my apartment - I just have a bunch of random ones that I'm not even sure are good? lol. This will definitely come in handy!

I also got this pet feeder for my cats and I'm so happy with it so far! It connets to your phone on an app so you can control when your cats get fed. It will also notify you when your cats get fed. For me, this is important so I can have peace of mind when I'm away from them like I will be this week. It also allows for automatic reorders of your cat food! This will also be delivered by tomorrow if you wanted to give this as a gift to someone!

I also got this candle from my mom, a weighted blanket, and an Alexa show! My aunt got me two really cute ornaments for my tree & a Nordstrom gift card which we all know will be put to good use! My cousin also got me my favorite hair ties and this starter kit of la mer products which I'm pumped to try!

Of course we can't forget the gift I bought myself - THIS BAG! I'm so obsessed with it and you guys seem to love it too! I'm so happy! I found similar options on eBay in case anyone is looking into purchasing this bag as well! I plan on writing a whole post on how I decided which bag to get so stay tuned for that!

There ya have it! Everything I got for Christmas this year! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

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After Christmas Sales
