YOUR Tips & Tricks for Moving into a NEW HOUSE!
Hi everyone! Before I moved into my house, I asked you guys for some tips & tricks for moving into a new house! Today I've finally found the time to record a podcast sharing those tips & tricks and what I've done so far! I will leave the podcast linked in this post but I'll also list out all the tips & tricks here too. I want you to be able to refer back to this list whenever you may need to!

Before I get into the tips and tricks, I would loveee if you rated & reviewed my new podcast! This is a way that other people will be able to see my podcast and find it and listen to it themselves. THANK YOU!!
Listen to today's episode below:
Here's all of the tips & tricks listed out:
- Be organized from the start
- Get OXO Pop Containers (available at Costco!) Also can be found HERE and HERE
- Check out Katy from @mumuandmacaroon 's HOME highlights
- Get stackable racks for spices
- Measure before buying anything
- Get Truman's Cleaning supplies
- Get yard tools - shovels, rakes, trimmers, fertilizer, grass seed, gloves, etc.
- Get a filing cabinet - good for mortgage, house docs, etc.
- Get a Simple Human trash can
- Have cleaning supplies on each level
- Get a home file binder - keep appliance manuals, dates for repairs, etc.
- Get plastic mats and bins for bathroom vanities
- Get a rotating spice rack from Crate & Barrel
- Get floating shelves - good for changing out decor!
- Get a lazy Susan for hair/skin products
- Get a fireproof safe
- Don't forget a plunger! Lol
- Get a Roomba
- Get a blanket ladder
- Get a drink/wine fridge
- Get an air purifier
- Get Clorox wipes
- Don't forget a broom!
- Line your drawers and cabinets with Contac Paper
- Take a good trip to TJ Maxx!
- Watch Taylor from @taymbrown 's stories on her home!
- Get baskets to organize pantry and linen closet
- Get a motion sensor kitchen garbage can
- Go to the dollar tree for storage bins!
- Get Target weave baskets
- Get an Instant pot
- Invest in sonos speakers
- Rugs will help make the place feel more like home!
- The Home Edit - they have a book & they're on Netflix!
- Go to the container store
- Get Nest
- Watch Teresa from @teresalaucar 's stories from her home!
- Get glass tupperware!
You guys have given me SO many tips!! If you have any others that aren't on the list, leave them in the comments so we can all see them and refer back to this page!
As always, THANK YOU for your love and your support!! XO!