My 2023 Goals + Vision Board

Happy 2023!! I am so excited for this year! Not only are Nick and I getting MARRIED this year, I also have tons of goals and plans for my businesses! I wanted to just sit down and share some of those goals with you. I have some personal goals and some business goals as well. I also created a 2023 vision board and a vision board for the month of January. I plan to make one each month so definitely be on the lookout for those.

Now, let’s get right on into my goals!

My 2023 Goals

Sweater launches 1/13 at 28 Coast

  1. Be smarter with my finances - most of you know by now that I am doing no spend January. I have been pretty open about my spending problem and how quick I am to just buy whatever without even thinking about it. As I mentioned above, Nick and I are getting married this year and that means that I can no longer be irresponsible with my finances and money. We are going to start thinking about buying a house and hopefully starting a family soon after our wedding. I want to feel financially secure and responsible before we do either of those things.

  2. Be consistent with my content - there has been SO many times where I’ve said I was going to start a series on my blog or Instagram (like Target Thursday, etc) and I’ve stuck with it for maybe a month or so. I really want to be sure to be consistent with my content and with what I’m sharing. I want you guys to know that you can come to me for X, Y & Z and when to expect it. I’m typically a “do things on the fly” type of gal, so the planning and structure doesn’t come easily for me. I’m really going to work on this!

  3. Take care of my body - I’m 30 years old and I’m not getting any younger! Lol. This kind of goes along with what I said above - I want to feel my best and look my best on our wedding day. I have been on this hair journey for a few months now and I’ve been so happy with the results so that proves to me that consistency really does work. I’m going to continue taking care of my hair and I’m now really starting on my skin journey. I am going to try to workout at least 5x a week and I’m really going to work on feeding my body better food. I want to make sure that I’m healthy when it comes time to start thinking about starting a family and I know that requires me to treat my body way better than I have been.

  4. Grow Simply Lauren Rose and 28 Coast - you guys know SLR and 28 Coast are my babies and I am so proud of where both of my businesses are today. However, I think it will always be a goal of mine to continue to grow those businesses. My ultimate goal is to open a brick and mortar store for 28 Coast. I’ve gotten further away from that recently but that’s okay. I’m going to create a business plan that will help me map out the next steps it takes to grow 28 Coast.

  5. Read 40 books - you guys know I’m a big reader! I LOVE audible because I don’t always have the time to sit down and read so being able to listen to my books is crucial. I literally always have a book playing - while I’m driving, cleaning, in the shower, blow drying my hair - you name it. Anway, I want to continue to grow my love of reading and set a goal of reading 40 books this year! The first book I finished already is called Eliza Starts a Rumor. I really liked it! You can follow me on goodreads here

My 2023 Business Goals

I also set separate goals for my businesses. I’m not going to elaborate on these as much but let me know if you want to hear more about these topics in the comments :-).

  1. Make at least $300 daily in commission.

  2. Partner with at least 5 brands each month.

  3. Gain a more engaged/active audience on IG

  4. Be consistent with TikTok

  5. Treat my business more like a business than a hobby.

My 2023 Vision Board

My January Vision Board

If you set goals for 2023 or January, I would LOVE to hear them in the comments below! We can totally help motivate each other and keep each other on track this year!

xo, Lauren


Tips for No Spend January


My Must-Have Makeup Products