6 Months of Blogging

My 6 Months of Blogging

Hi everyone!! Welcome to my post all about my first 6 months of blogging!

Blogging has been such a fun journey so far and I cannot wait to keep sharing my outfits and makeup with you guys in 2016. When I started my blog, I never knew how much of a learning experience it would be. I have learned so much and I think my blog has grown so much since July 1st when I launched it. I'm going to answer 6 questions below (in honor of my first 6 months of blogging) but first I want to thank YOU for reading my posts & following me on Instagram & liking all of my photos. You are all so fun to interactive and I've met SO many great people from blogging. I consider you all as FRIENDS and I want to thank you all so much for that! Now let's get on to the questions!

1. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?

Every single day I get a Venti Iced Vanilla Chai with Skim Milk. This is my go to drink and has been for years now! I'll get this drink even when its freezing and snowing!

2.What made you decide to start blogging?

Since I was young, I always loved clothes. Mu parents used to get mad at me for changing my outfit so many times a day (back when they did my laundry!) Now, I love to use fashion to express myself. I have fun with it and I want to share that fun with as many people as possible!

3. What are your favorite stores to shop at?

As you can probably tell from my Instagram, I LOVE JCrew, Loft, Tory Burch, Bauble Bar, and of course I love Nordstrom.

4. Is blogging your main job? If not, what else do you do?

Blogging is not my main job. I started blogging in the summer because I really enjoyed sharing my outfits with people. I feel like its a fun way to be creative outside of work. Right now I'm currently in Graduate School getting my Masters in Elementary Education. During the day I have an Internship at an elementary school and at night I go to class. I also work at JCrew whenever I have the time! Oh and I can't forget - I coach a 4th grade girls travel basketball team & I assist with a 6th grade girls travel basketball team! Yes, you can say my days are VERY filled! But I wouldn't have it any other way :-).

5. Who are your style icons?

Lauren Conrad, of course. I have loved Lauren Conrad’s style since her Laguna Beach days. She’s so simple and chic – and her clothing line is SO cute too! Another style icon of mine is Blake Lively. If I could have her outfits & hair, my life would be complete!

6. What was your best Christmas present?

This is going to be hard. I got a new MacBook Air for Christmas because my old computer stopped working. But I also got an Apple Watch! I am obsessed with both things. If you've been thinking about getting the Apple Watch, I would go for it! Totally worth it - I love it so far!!I'm going to add 6 of my favorite pictures from 2015 here:6 Months of Blogging6 months of blogging6 months of blogging6 months of blogging6 months of blogging6 months of bloggingAgain, thank you all SO much. Blogging and sharing my outfits would not be nearly as fun as it is without you guys. You're all so sweet and have had nothing but nice things to say to me. I hope that you continue to enjoy reading my blog posts as much as I enjoying sharing my outfits and makeup with you all.

Thank you so much for reading about my first 6 months of blogging! I really hope you enjoyed this post - if you have ANY other questions for me, leave them in the comments & I will answer them! I hope you all have a very Happy New Year!!!

Thanks for reading!XO, Lauren


Night Time Skincare Routine


NYE Makeup Look