SEQUINS, SEQUINS, SEQUINS! I'm sure you all noticed allll the sequins we saw last night in the premier of Colton's season of the Bachelor. I'm taking a stab at this recap of last nights episode and I'm going to TRY and be consistent with it each week.
*If you have not seen last nights episode yet, don't read any further! Spoiler alerts ahead!
I want to just talk about how much I DISLIKED last nights episode. I personally thought there was wayyyy too much of the "viewing parties" shown. Too many proposals from random people (like yes good for you but like WE DON'T REALLY CARE). We did not have enough of actual Bachelor footage in my opinion and I hope that doesn't happen throughout the rest of the season.
I also really did not like how SO many girls talked about Colton's virginity. Like I said on my Instagram Stories, it's just not necessary and if I were him I'd be really annoyed by it.
I legit took notes during the episode last night so that I'd remember each girl and their entrance out of the limo and all that jazz. Soooo let's get right into it.
Let me start out by saying - these are my opinions - I have NO idea what the heck is actually going on in Colton's head and what his thoughts are but I'm sharing my perception of the show. You're entitled to your own opinion but this is a place where I'm sharing mine :-).

Sweater || Leggings || Glasses || Blanket || Slippers || Water Bottle || Straw
The girl that I liked right away, no question, was Cassie. She seemed down to earth, NORMAL, and super sweet. I really liked her interaction with Colton when she got out of the limo. I thought the butterflies was really cute and then it made it even better when he kept one and put it in his pocket! It seemed to me like they had chemistry already so I'm excited to see what happens with their relationship!
A few other girls that stood out to me were Erika, Nicole, Sydney, Hannah (from Alabama), and Hannah G.
Erika didn't stand out to me at first but when she saw Erin (Cinderalla carriage girl) come in she said "I really could've done better than a bag of nuts" and this made me laugh. I feel like she has a funny personality! Colton didn't remember her name at first so hopefully that's not a bad sign lol. Also wish she didn't ask about his virginity RIGHT AWAY.
Nicole also didn't stand out to me from her intro video but I really started to like her when she interacted with Colton. She seemed super nervous and I feel like her and Colton also had some sort of chemistry. I feel like she also seems like she's down to earth so it should be interesting to see what happens!
My initial thought on Sydney was that she seemed laid back (I feel like I'm saying this about so many of these girls lol) and that her and Colton seemed to get along well. I did think her dress was interesting and I'm not sure if I'd wear it myself lol. She brought in an orchestra and started dancing with Colton which I guess was cute? Lol.
Now Hannah aka Miss Alabama is interesting. She annoyed me at first - she seemed like she was a bit "too much" if you know what I mean. But the more I saw her, the more I started to like her. However, I feel like she could be one who gets a little out of control and may cause drama with other girls in the house. I could be totally wrong and she could be one of the nicest girls there. We shall see!! There's already some drama brewing between her and Miss North Carolina!! Lol.
The last girl who stood out to me was Hannah G. She seemed super sweet and she brought Colton a pair of his "favorite underwear" aka a box of nothing since apparently he doesn't wear underwear? That's a fun fact I did not know about Colton lol. But anyway, I liked her personality and again, she seems like she'd be a good fit with Colton. I thought her and Colton had a pretty meaningful conversation. She was super nervous and Colton helped calm her down and it was just great. Loveee that she got the First Impression Rose :-).
Alright now for my other thoughts...
Catherine - bringing your dog???? Like whattttt. Come on now. I was not impressed by this or her lol. Also doesn't think there's competition? Girllll, that's too much confidence. And interrupting people THIS MANY times ALREADY?! Are youuu kidding?! She's literally asking for people to hate her. Of courseee he gave her a rose. Gotta keep the girl that no one likes around so she can create drama for the show! Lol.
Bri - I'm sure we're all having this same thought: fake accent? WHYYYY? Starting out a new relationship on a lie? Not cool.
Demi - I can tell that she is going to be trouble. Also knew NOTHING about Colton. How do you go on the Bachelor in 2019 and NOT know everything about the man you're about to pursue?? Lol. In my opinion, she is wayyyy too aggressive and I just feel like I'm not going to be a fan of her this season.
Sloth Girl (Alex D?)- like i've been saying - not a fan of all the people talking about Colton's virginity and I thought this was just tooooo far. I appreciate the effort but nahhhh. Seems ALL about herself and would not stop talking about herself lol.
Caelynn - they WOULD have the first kiss lol. I have a feeling she is going to cause a LOT of drama throughout the season.
Alex B. - she was sick so she couldn't talk but I kind of feel like she'll be a big contender this season. He seemed intrigued by her so I'm curious to see how long she stays around.
Alright I think that's all I have to say for last night's episode. I'm pretty excited about this new series that I hope to be consistent with on the blog each week! I love having these conversations with you guys about something that a lot of us watch weekly!
It'll be fun to look back on this post weeks from now and see how WRONG I was about these initial thoughts! Lol.
I'm so curious to see YOUR thoughts on last nights episode! Leave me your thoughts in the comments below and I'll reply ASAP!
Thanks for reading!
XO, Lauren