My New Years Goals for 2022

Picture by Jessica Kelly Photography :-)

Hello hello! I'm sitting here writing this post in my OFFICE SPACE! It's so surreal to me that I have my own office space now. I feel so grateful that it has all come together. Now the real challenge for me is seeing if I can manage all of my bills LOL. I have my mortgage, rent for my office space, I pay an employee (Steph) bi-weekly, and have other bills as well. That being said, I wanted to write this post about my New Years goals for 2022 because one of my goals is tracking my expenses and income better AND budgeting better. It's been a goal of mine literally every new year but this year it's getting to a point where it's really a necessity for me and my businesses.

I'm going to share a few of my goals for 2022 in todays post - I talked more in depth about them in this podcast episode so be sure to go listen!

Goal Number 1 - Track my expenses and income consistently

As I mentioned above, I haven't really been consistent in the past with tracking my expenses and my income. This year I really need to make it a priority to track what I am spending and what my income is. I am going to use my Digital planner to keep track of all of this as well as spreadsheets on my computer. I have income from my boutique, my blog, Young Living, and. teaching that I need to keep track of.

Goal Number 2- Read 50 books

My love for reading/listening to audiobooks has recently come alive again. Maybe it's because of all of the tiktok videos I've been seeing about some great books - whatever it is, I'm happy to be back in a groove of listening to books and reading books on my Kindle, too! My reading/listening goal for 2022 is to read 50 books this year!! I have a feeling I will be able to do it if I keep up the rate that I've been going at now! I'm currently listening to The Hating Game right now and enjoying it! I want to see the movie! I'm reading To Love Jason Thorn on my Kindle and so far really liking it, too. Follow me on Good Reads here!

Goal Number 3 - Stick to a consistent workout routine

Another goal I make all the time and really never follow through with. However, this year I gifted myself a Peloton so I really have NO excuse not to work out consistently. My goal is to work out AT LEAST 4x a week. This past week I've been waking up before work and getting in either a 20 or 30 min ride which has been awesome! I love the feeling of getting my workout out of the way before work. I truly feel so much better when I am consistent with my workout routine. My leaderboard name is LAURENROMANO7 for anyone who wants to be friends!

Goal Number 4 - Take care of my skin

I am getting closer and closer to being 30 and that scares the heck out of me!!! A main goal of mine for this year is to take better care of my skin. I've been noticing some aging (wrinkles and whatnot lol) and I really want to work on preventing any more from coming on too fast. I know my sun exposure is a main factor and I need to wear sunscreen daily (I'm v guilt of not doing this). I need to find a skincare regime that works for me and stick to it. I also really want to get facials once or twice a month because I've heard they are amazing. I will be sure to do an updated skincare routine blog post soon!

Goal Number 5 - Take Care of my Mental Health

I want to do this in a number of ways. I want to meditate and I want to go to therapy again. I feel like I have never been able to take meditation seriously but I have heard how amazing it can be for our mental health so I really want to give it another shot. As for therapy, I think most people associate going to therapy when something is going wrong in life or when an issue arises. I think therapy is something that we need to take advantage of more often.

Goal Number 6 - Learn to cook more

I have a few of the same things that I cook often - stuffed peppers, chicken tenders, cutlets, etc! I really want to diversify what I cook and learn more cooking techniques. I have been trying out a lot of recipes from Skinny Taste and loving them. She has a super quick and easy dough recipe that I have been using often - I made bagels, pizza and chicken parm rolls with the dough!

I limited this post to just a few of my goals - like I mentioned above, I have more and go more into depth in our podcast episode so if you want to hear more, def go listen!!

I would love to hear if you have any goals or resolutions that you set for yourself for 2022? Let me know in the comments!!


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