Your Favorite Purchases of 2021
Happy 2022!!! 2021 was a crazy, crazy year that brought a lot of challenges. With those challenges came a lot of growth and strength. As I sit back and reflect on 2021, I am grateful for SO many things. I am grateful for all of YOU. Without you and your support, I wouldn't be able to show up every day and share my favorite things and work with some of my favorite brands.
Another huge dream of mine that I was able to achieve these past few years was starting my own online boutique. As many of you know, I own Styled by Lauren Rose - an online boutique. In 2021 I was able to hire someone to my team and since then, SBLR has grown even more. Thank you all so much for your continued love and support. I hope that I am able to continue to inspire you and bring you joy each day.
I asked you all on Instagram last week to share something I recommended that you LOVED. So today, I'm sharing YOUR favorite purchases from SLR in 2021.
Your Favorite Purchases of 2021
#10 - Young Living Aria Diffuser

Shop Aria Diffuser Here!
I am so excited that so many of you loved your Young Living Purchases this year! I talk about YL all the time on my Instagram because I truly love the products and I'm passionate about living a cleaner life and getting rid of things in my home (like candles and certain cleaning products) that have toxins and aren't great for us. A lot of you began your journey with YL this past year too and you've fallen in love with the oils, thieves cleaner, and specifically the Aria diffuser. YL really has been a game changer for me because I've been WAY more conscious of what I put in my home & body AND it's brought me a substantial income that helps pay my mortgage.
If you want to learn more about clean living, please let me know!! 2022 can be a year of getting rid of toxins in your life, too! I'm happy to help. If you're interested in the business side and learning more about how you can get an extra income, I'm happy to help and add you to my team, too!!
#9 - Barefoot Dreams Blanket

Shop Barefoot Dreams Blanket Here
I'm not surprised BFD blankets made it in the top 10 for your fav purchases this past year. My love for Barefoot Dreams blankets goes DEEP and I will continue to share that love for them with you guys. They are THE SOFTEST, coziest blankets on the market. I got a robe for Christmas and it's just as amazing as the blankets. You literally can walk around the house wearing the blanket LOL.
#8 - Loft Cothes

Shop Loft Clothes Here
I have been sharing Loft since I started blogging. You probably already know this BUT I recently just landed a partnership with Loft and to me, that feels like a HUGE accomplishment. This retailer that I've been sharing for 6 years now - a true FAVORITE of mine - finally wants to work with me! I'm so happy that so many of you love their clothes too because I feel like this partnership aligns with me and you guys perfectly :-). A few notable mentions that you guys shared were this sweater, this coat, and this coat! I'm excited to continue to work with Loft in January and February, too :-).
#7 - Donna Karan Deodorant

Shop Deodorant Here
I've talked to you guys about this deodorant a million times because it is AMAZING. I used to struggle so badly with sweating for no reason - I would be sitting at home and just have sweat marks when I wasn't even hot or anything. If I was working out and sweating or at the beach, whatever deodorant I used didn't even really work. It always ended up with a mixture of BO (sorry, TMI) and deodorant. UNTIL I found this one!!! This deodorant is hands down THE BEST working deodorant ever. It's definitely not a "clean" deodorant which goes against what I said above, but for me - this is something that I'm not ready to give up yet.
#6 - Colleen Rothschild Hair Serum

Shop Hair Serum Here
I have been using (and sharing) this hair serum for YEARS now. I notice a huge difference in my hair when I do not use it - major frizz and craziness and minimal shine without it! It's a game changer for your hair after you style it. And and added bonus is that it smells amazing, too!
#5 - Colleen Rothschild Cleansing Balm

Shop Cleansing Balm Here
Another fav from CR! This is one of the first ever products that I used from CR and it has not steered me wrong yet. It is the most gentle, efficient way to take off makeup. I used this when I had lash extensions and couldn't get them wet AND I use it now to take my mascara off. It literally melts away your makeup and is not harsh on your skin at all. It comes with a cloth to help remove your makeup, too.
#4 - Lululemon Belt Bag

Shop Bag Here
I'm definitely not surprised that this bag made it in the top 5!! I literally check DAILY to see if this bag is back in stock for you guys. It sells out almost immediately when it does come back in stock. The original belt bag is amazing too, but the sherpa one is amazingggg.
#3 - Tarte Makeup Products

Shop Tarte Products Here
Tarte is annoter brand that I feel so fortunate to have gotten to partner with this year. I am a HUGE fan of their products and it seems like you guys are too! Most answers just said "tarte makeup products" but some notable products that were mentioned are the shape tape creamy concealer, lash primer, setting spray & eyeshadow palettes. You really cannot go wrong with any Tarte products. If you use my code LAURENROSE you'll get 15% off your purchase!
#2 - Navy Hair Care Products

Shop Navy Hair Care Products Here
Another brand that I have been using for years now. I truly feel so lucky that I've gotten to work with these brands that I love so much. It makes me so happy to hear that you love these brands too! A TON of you said that Navy Hair Care products were something that you bought this year that I recommended and you love them! If you're going to choose ONE product, I recommend trying their Swell Thickening Cream. It is a GAME CHANGER. Without using the swell cream, my hair dries so flat and dull and straight. When I do use the swell cream, my hair is so voluminous and holds a style SO much better than if I don't use it. I also use the search and rescue line, too! You can always use the code SIMPLY for 30% off at Navy!

Shop Soma Bra Here
I am 100% not surprised that this is the number one favorite of yours. So many of you said that this was hands down your favorite purchase that I recommended. I've never felt this way about a bra before but it truly is life changing. It's THE MOST comfortable bra ever. You do not even feel like you're wearing a bra when you have this on. I have a smaller chest but I have friends and family who have a larger chest and they wear and love these Soma bras, too!
Did you buy any of these products from my recommendation this past year? If so, what was your favorite?! Let me know in the comments below!