Fashion, Home, Lifestyle Fashion, Home, Lifestyle

Recent Amazon Finds

I've been loving all things Amazon lately so I thought I'd round up some Amazon finds! These may not be recent purchases, but they are def things I use often and love! From clothes to home items to random things in between - Amazon literally has it all! I would LOVE to know something you've bought off Amazon recently that you love! Let me know in the comments!

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Fashion Fashion

Lauren Rose HQ

Happy Friday!!! We have another snow day today - two in one week!! I am not mad about it. It's a nice way to ease into getting back into work after winter break. Today I'm sharing links to everything in the Lauren Rose office space - we've decided to call it Lauren Rose HQ so whenever you hear me talk about that - it's this space!!

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Home Decor Home Decor

All Things HOME

I've been making a lot of changes in my house lately and I thought it would be a good idea for me to put all of my home decor finds in one post to make it easy for you guys to shop or get inspo from!![show_shopthepost_widget id="4354456"]

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Home Decor Home Decor

Target Holiday Decor 2020

It's so hard to believe that it's already time to start decorating for the holidays! I feel like it's definitely a bit early to start decorating but at the same time, as a blogger, I have to be ahead of the game! Lol! I am sharing some Holiday decor that I picked up from target recently.[show_shopthepost_widget id="4248230"]

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